Bill Holmes - Activities - Flying
The instructor from whom I purchased the used hang glider left a lot to be desired. His Del Mar landing areas are before a 15-foot high road embankment, on the road with traffic on it, or acorss the road in a bean field with an angry farmer.
I crashed into our VW during a landing thanks to bad back.
Debbie was taking pictures, and did not notice how close I was until it weas to late. She chose to run down the embankment, but tumbled instead. She extended her leg to stop the fall, and broke both bones in her ankle. We used glider battens and straps as a splint and tightened it after I set the break. The surgeon who installed a plate and screws congratulated me on a perfect set.
Otay Lake
Tandem ultralight flight
Del Mar balloon ride birthday present from Mary Szterpakiewicz.
Just before launch on a tandem soaring flight over Tuscon Arizona.
| W. T. Holmes | Activities | Flying |