Prospecting - El Paso Mountains - Tip Top 1

At my first Tip Top stop, the wind blew 10-12 mph Sunday with a morning temperature of 65 degrees F.

My neighbor the hawk Saturday night.

Sunday Morning at Site 1 looking West. One of the 5 gallon containers leaked 2.5 gallons, so I had to empty the van to dry it before sleeping that night.

I carted promising dirt from the mouth of the mine shaft in preparation for processing.

This is the view of the mine from the same location.

I carried all the dirt in the cut between the rock and bucket down to the recirculating sluice.

 Main mine entrance. Note upside-down pyramid column on left.

The column (right) is only about 18" wide at the base. This deeper penetration connects to hole above.

A separate hole was dug to the right of the main entrance.

Sluice running.

Dissatisfied with the results, I drove the mile to Bickle Camp to confer with Mark. He recommended the northwest corner of Tip Top.

| W. T. Holmes | Activities | ProspectingTip Top |