Bill Holmes - Activities - Kayaking - Willamette River - South 7/11/06
Map of stretch of Willamette Rivertraveled (Sellwood to Falls).
Heading south from Sellwood. Waverly Golf Course on left (east) side.
Public boat ramp and the small community of Milwaukie (center).
Milwaukee (left) is where the where nearest Post Office and cheaptheater are found.
Candian geese, the primary prey of the Willamette Crocodile.
Railroad bridge with River Villa Park on left (east) and Wilsonia onright.
Past railroad bridge. White sun shade is on public "dock".
Waterworks structure upon which I'd like to place a prefabercatedbuilding in which we live while refurbishing the lower floor.
Island near Nixon Avenue where I barely managed to paddle up smallriverlet on west side in winter. Went up east side this time.
You can leave your chairs near Clackamus River entrance, and findthem in place weeks later.
Freeway 205 bridge looking north.
View of 7th Street bridge and Willamette Falls from Freeway 205bridge.
7th Street bridge looking north with Highway 99 (McLaughlin Blvd.) onleft.
Paper mills and Willamette Falls.
Fishing boat seeking stergeon.
The turbulence from the high flow rate during my winter trip to theWillamette Falls was
so intense that I could safely get no closer than the boat is to thefalls.
7th Street bridge on retrun trip.
Entering Clackamus River. Boat ramp on right.
Paddeling up Clackamus River under Highway 99 (McLaughlin Blvd.).
Two families of Mallard ducks. Current was too swift on the leftchannel. Basin is on right channel.
Canadian Geese bathing in the stream I paddled up on west side ofClackamette Island on my first trip to the Willamette Falls.Movie of frolicking geese.
One of perhaps eight pontoon planes on the river.
Condominiums south of Waverly Surf Apartments on return.
Waverly Surf dock with kayaks secured.
| W. T. Holmes | Activities | Kayaking | Willamette River |