William T. (Bill) Holmes

Meyers-Briggs Personality Profile

William T. Holmes scores equally in two categories of the Meyers-Briggs Personality Profile Questionnaire: The INTP Architect and the INTJ Scientist.

INTP - The "Architect"

You are a designer of buildings and ideas. Abstract design is your forte. INTPs exhibit the greatest precision in thought and language of all the types; tend to see distinctions and inconsistencies in thought and language instantaneously. This type is found in approximately 1% of the population.

INTPs search for whatever is relevant to the issue at hand; this type can concentrate better than any other. Authority does not impress the INTP. Only statements that are logical and coherent carry weight. External authority is perceived as irrelevant. INTPs abhor redundancy and incoherence. Possessing a desire to understand the universe, and INTP is constantly looking for natural law. Curiosity concerning these keys to the universe is a driving force in this type.

INTPs can become obsessed with analysis. Once caught up in a thought process, that thought process seems to have a will of its own for INTPs, and they persevere until the issue is comprehended in all its complexity. They can be intellectual snobs and may show impatience at times with others less endowed intellectually. This quality may generate hostility and defensive behaviors on the part of others, who may describe you as arrogant.

For INTPs, the world exists primarily to be understood. Reality is trivial, a mere arena for proving ideas. It is essential that the universe is understood and that whatever is stated about the universe is stated correctly and with coherence and without redundancy.

The INTP is the logician, the mathematician, the philosopher, the scientist; any pursuit requiring architecture of ideas intrigues this type. They are not good at clerical tasks and are impatient with routine detail. They prefer to work quietly and without interruption, and often alone.

The INTP likes a mate that will initiate and manage the social life. They do not like disorganization, constant activity or noisy disruptions in the home. Often they forget important dates or anniversaries, and the rituals of daily living, unless reminded. INTPs have difficulty expressing their emotions verbally and the mate of an INTP may believe she is being taken for granted. They prefer a quiet life as they live in the thinking realm, their strongest attribute. The INTP is usually shy and introverted except with close friends, and their reserve is difficult to penetrate. They are very adaptable until one of their principles is violated or challenged. Then, INTPs are not adaptable at all. They have difficulty in being understood by others as they think in complexities, and want to be precise, never redundant in their communications.

The feeling qualities of INTPs are underdeveloped and they are often insensitive to the wants and needs of others.

INTJ - The "Scientist"

INTJs make up about 1% of the population. While the INTP designs the systems and ideas, the INTJ brings them into reality.

INTJs are very self-confident; and live in an introspective reality, focusing on possibilities, using thinking in the form of empirical logic and prefer that events and people serve some useful purpose in his life. INTJs look to the future rather than the past. In one word, you are a "builder" of systems and the applier of theoretical models.

Authority does not impress the INTJ, whether based on position, rank, title or publication. You are not likely to succumb to the magic of slogans, or watchwords. Only ideas make sense to an INTJ.

You are the supreme pragmatist, who sees reality as something which is quite arbitrary and made up. Thus it can be used as a tool. Reality is quite malleable and can be changed or conquered. Conscious thought is extroverted and empirical. Hence, you are better at generalizing, classifying, summarizing, adducing evidence, proving and demonstrating. INTJs are less at home with pure reason, that is, systematic logic, where principles are explicit. Rather, they tend to used deductive logic, using their intuition to grasp coherence.

INTJs have a drive to completion, always with an eye to long-term consequences. Ideas seem to carry their own force for INTJs, although they subject every idea to the test of usefulness. They love responding to a challenge that requires creativity, leading to occupations where theoretical ideas are brought into actuality.

Coherence is key to both the INTP and INTJ. Internal and external consistency are important. If an INTJ finds himself working in a situation where there are overlapping functions, waste of human and material resources or inefficient paper flow, he cannot rest until effort is made to correct the situation. Cost-effectiveness is important. INTJs frequently select occupations in engineering or the physical sciences.

Fellow workers of INTJs often feel the INTJ can see right through them and believe that he finds them inadequate. This tendency of people to feel transparent in the presence of the INTJ often results in relationships which have psychological distance. Colleagues find the INTJ apparently unemotional, cold and dispassionate. Because of his tendency to drive others as hard as he does himself, the INTJ often seems demanding and difficult to satisfy. They are high achievers in school and on the job. On the job, the INTJ takes the goals of an institution seriously and continuously strive to achieve those goals. Your loyalties are to the system and its goals, rather than the individuals in the system. INTJs are more interested in moving an institution forward rather than commiserating with fellow employees.

As mates, INTJs want harmony and order in the home and in their relationships. They are the most independent of all the types.

INTJs rarely express emotion but often are hypersensitive to signals of rejection from those for whom they care. They do not believe in wasting time in idle dialog, and thus people receive a sense of hurry from an INTJ. In interpersonal relationships, INTJs are better in a working situation than in a recreational one. They do not enjoy physical contact except with a chosen few. INTJs are very single-minded at times, and tend to ignore other points of view or the wishes of others. You rise to positions of responsibility because of your strong work ethic.

You have the most difficulty of all personality types in making up your mind in mate selection. Mate selection is done in a scientific, rational and methodical way. However, at times, INTJs may make choices that are contradictory to their values and principles, thus making mate selection irrational at times and based on contradictory evidence. INTJs are vulnerable in the emotional area and may make serious mistakes here. The scientist is attracted to females who are enthusiastic, effervescent and apparently spontaneous in their enjoyment of life.

The "NT" Part of Your Personality

NTs make up approximately 12% of the population. Because they are such a minority, they are forced to live with "aliens" - people much different than they are.

Power fascinates the NT. Not power over people, but power over nature. To be able to understand, control, predict, and explain reality. Note that these are the four aims of science: control and understanding, prediction and explanation. The NT's quest then is to be "competent" in everything he does. There is an urgency in his desire, and he is often obsessed by it and feels a constant compulsion to improve. The NT must be competent in whatever domain of enterprise or inquiry he chooses; he will settle for nothing less. Often a perfectionist, and compulsive in his behavior; an NT is likely to scrutinize the competency of his critics. At times plagued by self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy, the NT is constantly working to increase his own standards of performance.

The NT must be wholly competent in his work and in his play, and he never gives himself respite from this self-imposed level of excellence. The NT, knowing logically that recreation is necessary for health, schedules his play, then taxes himself and others with improving their recreational skills. The NT even demands of himself that he have a good time, since recreation is so defined.

The NT often sends two contradictory messages to those he contacts. The first message is that he expects very little from others, since clearly they do not know much, nor can they do much well as well as he can. One way the NT sends this message is to show little surprise when he does find competency in others. He rarely complements others because NTs often assume that people cannot completely comprehend the intricacies of the ideas he discusses and he somehow transmits this attitude.

The second contradictory message the NT sends to others is that they are expected to achieve or at least attempt to rise to his self-imposed standards. And since he is constantly striving for perfection himself, rarely does anyone ever live up to his standards.

An unfortunate byproduct of these two messages sent by the NT is that those around him come to feel intellectually inadequate. In time, they become defensive, withdraw, and make fewer and fewer attempts to communicate with the NT. The NT can thereby become isolated intellectually from others who withhold their reactions in the fear that they will be labeled "stupid" in the mind of the NT.

In his communications, the NT is likely to speak with little or no redundancy. His communications tend to be terse, compact, and logical. He has a deep reluctance to state the obvious, restricting his verbal communications because, he believes, "Of course, everyone knows that..." The NT assumes that by stating the obvious, listeners would get bored.

The NT is precise in his choice of language and expects others will be the same. He abhors messages spoken in "metaphor." Elizabeth the Great who ruled England for four and a half decades exemplifies the NT characteristic. When Elizabeth sentenced Mary Queen of Scots to the executioner, her reaction was predictable: logical, ruthless, and with as little personal involvement as possible.

The NT child is fascinated with how things work, especially machines, and quickly learns to look for answers. Learning for the NT is a 24-hour occupation. Because of this passion for knowing, the NT usually develops a large repertoire of competencies. His persistence and need to excel, along with intellectual ability, propel him to seek the sciences, mathematics, philosophy, architecture and engineering.

More than any other personality type, NTs live in their work. For the NT, work is play and play is work. Condemning an NT to idleness would be the worst sort of punishment. NTs enjoy developing models, exploring ideas, and building systems; they are understandably drawn to occupations which have to do with the formation and application of scientific principles. NTs are often found in engineering and architecture fields.

While the NT considers himself to be straightforward in his dealings with others, others report often finding the NT cold, remote, and enigmatic. At times the eccentric genius, the NT is vulnerable to the all work and no play syndrome and can easily become isolated in an ivory tower of intellectualism. The danger is always that the work of NTs will be lost to others because of this tendency to communicate at levels of abstraction others find unintelligible.

The NTs emotional side is usually underdeveloped, and they tend to be attracted to totally unsuitable mates. At times, an NT can be quite oblivious to the emotional responses of others and may not always be sensitive to the complexities of interpersonal relations. People report that they sometimes feel that they do not exist when they are in the presence of an NT, and they may react to this with hostility. If he chooses, however, the NT is capable of biting sarcasm that can be devastating to the person at whom it is directed.

The NT needs a mate that provides nourishment without receiving in return. He is often deep in intellectual thought and tends to ignore the feelings of others. Because his head is often found in the clouds, he needs someone who will care for him and his needs, without expecting the same in return. He is not driven to reciprocate.

The NT is an introverted thinker and a good match is the extroverted feeling type ("SJ") to bring you back down to earth. The INTJ "Scientist" is attracted to the enthusiastic, effervescent type with apparently spontaneous enjoyment and wonderment that this type exudes--the very antithesis of the careful, thoughtful exactitude of the INTJ.

The Promethean (NT) Mate

The mate of Prometheus NT may well believe that the NT is quite oblivious to her welfare, and may see him as unaware of daily events. The NT, on the other hand, would probably be amazed that his way of relating and loving is experienced by the mate as aloof or uncaring.

NTs do seem rather cold and unemotional to other temperaments. They tend to control and hide their emotions behind an immobile facial stance and rarely display their feelings in public.

Because of the NT's distaste for stating the obvious or being redundant, the NT is apt to verbalize expressions of affection rather infrequently. To other types this seems cold and miserly, and they often end up hurting those that care for him. To the NT, stating what is already established is raising doubt where there is none. Therefore, it is unnecessary and inappropriate to restate the established and obvious.

Establishing a sexual or social relationship with an NT, especially an introverted one (INTJ, INTP), requires more investment of time and energy than with any other personality type. Most types are unwilling to invest the time and energy required to relate to an NT. Because of this, NTs should seriously consider a prospective mate that is willing to invest her time and energy in relating to him.

In order for an NT to be "sexually" turned on, it is necessary for this relationship to be based on a wide variety of common interests, values and principles, even discussing scientific treatises on sexuality (e.g. Masters and Johnson). NTs have few long-lasting relationships as they abhor promiscuity and are repelled by a promiscuous partner.

The NT's usual disinterest in acquiring material wealth and possession beyond that necessary for reasonable security and comfort can provide some dissonance in the mating relationship. Mere possession does not motivate. Design and building is what gives the NT pleasure.

Although NTs take family responsibilities seriously, particularly to members of their own family, including their parents, they are often perceived by members of the family as keeping a "psychological" distance. The NT tends to not "own" the behaviors of his mate or family members, but tends to deal with them objectively, as a bystander, not as a participant.

INTJ Relationships

INTJs believe in constant growth in relationships, and strive for independence for themselves and their mates. They are constantly embarking on "fix-up" projects to improve the overall quality of their lives and relationships. They take their commitments seriously, but are open to redefining their vows, if they see something which may prove to be an improvement over the existing understanding. INTJs are not likely to be "touchy-feely" and overly affirming with their mates or children, and may at times be somewhat insensitive to their emotional needs. However, INTJs are in general extremely capable and intelligent individuals who strive to always be their best, and be moving in a positive direction. If they apply these basic goals to their personal relationships, they likely to enjoy happy and healthy interaction with their families and friends.

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, the INTJ's natural partner is the ENFP, or the ENTP. INTJ's dominant function of Introverted Intuition is best matched with a partner whose personality is dominated by Extraverted Intuition

INTP Relationships

NTPs live rich worlds inside their minds, which are full of imagination and excitement. Consequently, they sometimes find the external world pales in comparison. This may result in a lack of motivation to form and maintain relationships. INTPs are not likely to have a very large circle of significant relationships in their lives. They're much more likely to have a few very close relationships, which they hold in great esteem and with great affection. Since the INTP's primary focus and attention is turned inwards, aimed towards seeking clarity from abstract ideas, they are not naturally tuned into others' emotional feelings and needs. They tend to be difficult to get to know well, and hold back parts of themselves until the other person has proven themselves "worthy" of hearing the INTP's thoughts. Holding Knowledge and Brain Power above all else in importance, the INTP will choose to be around people who they consider to be intelligent. Once the INTP has committed themself to a relationship, they tend to be very faithful and loyal, and form affectionate attachments which are pure and straight-forward. The INTP has no interest or understanding of game-playing with regards to relationships. However, if something happens which the INTP considers irreconciliable, they will leave the relationship and not look back.

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, the INTP's natural partner is the ENTJ, or the ESTJ. The INTP's dominant function of Introverted Thinking is best matched with a partner whose personality is dominated by Extraverted Thinking. The INTP/ENTJ match is ideal, because these types shared Intuition as a common way of perceiving the world, but INTP/ESTJ is also a good match.

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