Report Cards and Transcripts

1971 - California State Polytechic University diploma
1970 - California State Polytechic University Spring 1971
1969 - California State Polytechic University Spring and Fall 1969, Winter, Spring and Fall 70 and Winter 1971
1968 - California State Polytechic University Spring, Summer and Fall 1968 and Winter 1969
1966-67 - Northrup Institute of Technology, news clipping,
1965 - Antelope Valley Joint Union High School, Grade 12
1964 - Antelope Valley Joint Union High School, Grade 11
1963 - Antelope Valley Joint Union High School, Grade 10
1962 - Antelope Valley Joint Union High School, Grade 9
1961 - Joshua Junion High School, Lancaster, Grade 8 Card
1960 - Joshua Junion High School, Lancaster, Grade 7 Card
1959 - El Dorado, Lancaster, Grade 6 Card
1959 - El Dorado, Lancaster, Grade 5 Card
1958 - Del Norte, West Covina, Grade 5 Progress, Conference
1957 - Del Norte, West Covina, Grade 4 Progress, Conference
1956 - Del Norte, West Covina, Grade 3 Progress, Conference
1955 - Del Norte, West Covina, Grade 2 Progress, Conference
1957 - Del Norte, West Covina, Grade 1 Progress
1956 - Glandale

| W.T. Holmes |