Bill Holmes - Activities - Kayaking - Loretto to La Paz
164 straight miles
Unload kayaks after sleeping Saturday night.
Before the launch from Loretto.
Honeymoon cove at Isla del Dante Sunday noon. Camped here after dive.
Monday morning paddle from Carmen to Isla Manserrate.
Camping on Monserrate.
View from Monserrate.
Looking west at Baja.
Someone else enjoying view.
Views from Monserrate.
Low tree.
Isla Santa Catalina dive while camping Tuesday and Wednesday.
Thursday 5:00 AM departure from San Datalina to Isla Santa Cruz.
Thursday at Santa Cruz. Friday to Baja for water. Saturday to San Francisco via San Jose. Sunday to Isla Partida. Tuesday to Esparitu Santo.
Wednesday at Santa Cruz where Don Luis speared a 40lb yellowtail. Thursday to La Paz
Island names
| W. T. Holmes | Activities | Kayaking |